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Blue Smoke

Giving Back


To WellBe, giving back isn't a tick-in-the-box social responsibility exercise, it's part of our inclusive growth business model. It all started Nine years ago when our Founder, Jo, joined her organisation's partner charity. This international volunteer organisation supported communities abroad to work out poverty through connection and collaboration. Jo received mentorship from a leading sustainability consultant and realised the potential for positive impact if community interests are embedded into business strategy.


WellBe is proud to action these valuable lessons today by being both in service and of service to the Somerset community with our volunteer training program and our pledge to the Armed Forces Community.

Winter Scenery

Free Training for Somerset Volunteers

In 2021, Jo sought out how WellBe could best serve Somerset. After connecting with social prescribers linked to the broader Open Mental Health Somerset alliance, the message was unanimous. A lack of access to good quality mental health training. WellBe took immediate action by reserving subsidised spaces for volunteers on every course. After the program’s success, we are thrilled to improve access to training even further and offer these spaces free of charge.

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Our pledge to the Somerset armed forces community

Somerset has long-standing links with the armed forces community, with bases such as RNAS Yeovilton and Norton Manor Camp residing here. Large numbers on the #Somerset census demonstrate the significance of military personnel and their families that make up the population in this county. The nature of military life can add additional pressure on those serving, their families, and those who have served. WellBe T& C are proud to have committed to the military community since our service began. We've made it official with our Armed Forces Covenant counselling service pledge​

  • Offer discounted counselling sessions.

  • Be flexible with appointments where possible to make accessing our service easier.

  • Waive cancellation fees when appointments are missed due to work orders.

We are committed to making therapy more accessible to the armed forces community.

Introducing The Innovess Project 

Our work doesn't stop there! We recognise that health and wellbeing are closely linked with individuals, services, and employers. By creating partnerships that strive towards a healthier Somerset, we can make a difference. Find out more about how you can make a difference can join the mission! 

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